Like an artificial underworld, GROTTO extends with an abstract landscape where hybrid beings navigate a realm of relationships, developed tactics and power plays.
In this almost dystopian setting the collective engages in a journey of transformation and symbiosis. As an organised structure they act in search of a sense of belonging and connection. The distorted figures and (un)pleasant bizarreness indulge in a excessive physicality, it’s spectacular character, playing naturally with borders and definitions.
Ignited by an expression of the Grotesque, it functions as an existential experience, as an anthropological device that we might use to understand states of being other.
© photo: Joris-Jan Bos
Commissioned work for NDT 2
(direction: Emily Molnar)
June 30, 2022, Korzo The Hague
Choreography, set & costumes: Liliana Barros
Dancers: Nick Daniels, Barry Gans, Cassandra Martin, Omani Ormskirk, Úrsula Urgeles, Samuel van der Veer
Music: Martin Mitterstieler
Light: Lisette van der Linden
Assistant: Lydia Bustinduy
Duration: 20' min.
Production: Netherlands Dance Theater